Finding the Right Photographer for Your Event

Finding the Right Photographer for Your Event

Two Tips To Follow If You're Organizing An Underwater Photoshoot For Your Swimwear Apparel Company

by Ernest Cox

If you've decided to advertise your swimwear apparel brand with underwater images of models wearing the garments, here are some tips to follow.

Use models who have underwater photography experience

It's important to choose models who have posed for underwater photoshoots before. Posing underwater is trickier than posing on dry land. For example, if a model doesn't do the correct pose right away after sinking into the water, they won't be able to quickly change it and get into the desired pose as fast as they normally could, as their movements will be slower, due to the resistance generated by the water. This could cause problems, as they'll only have perhaps a minute or so to correct their pose before they have to go back up to the surface to take a few breaths.

Models who already have experience with underwater photography will find it easier to get into the right pose whilst they're floating underwater and will feel more comfortable about keeping their eyes open and holding their breath underwater. They'll also have a better idea of what type of poses look the best underwater. This will mean that the photoshoot won't take as long as it might if you hired models who didn't have this experience. Further, it will also increase the chances of the models posing in a way that highlights the best aspects of your swimwear apparel.

Have the photoshoot in a swimming pool instead of the ocean

While you might like the idea of having the photoshoot in an ocean where there is some beautiful coral or wild aquatic life that would look great in the background of the images, it's best to book a swimming pool for the underwater photography photoshoot.

Firstly, it will be safer for the photographer and the models, as there is no chance of them getting hurt. For instance, doing the underwater photoshoot in a pool means they won't get stung by jellyfish or struck by the oar of a small boat sailing overhead. Likewise, they also won't have to put themselves at risk of getting pulled too far into the ocean by an undertow.

It will also reduce the chance of the photoshoot being interrupted by things like swimmers and surfers, or by sudden and unexpectedly large waves. Last but not least, you can heat the swimming pool water so the photographer and models feel comfortable staying in it for longer. This will enable them to take more photos and will mean you'll have more images to pick from when creating your swimwear company's marketing campaign.

For more information, contact a company that does underwater photography


About Me

Finding the Right Photographer for Your Event

The best way to keep your special memories alive is to hire a professional photographer to capture them as they happen. But after working with hundreds of professionals over the years as a special events planner, I know first hand that not all photographers are created equally. Some can really focus in on their human subjects to capture emotion that comes right out of the photos, while others are more attuned to making the surroundings in a photo stand out like a 3D feature. So I figured that I could help people who are looking to hire a photography find the best possible fit for the occasion that is going to be documented. Learn the right questions to ask, find out what types of skills to look for, and figure out what tools and resources are needed to capture all the details of your special event.