Finding the Right Photographer for Your Event

Finding the Right Photographer for Your Event

Interested In Aerial Photography? 4 Different Types You Can Choose From

by Ernest Cox

If you are interested in aerial photography, there are different types you can choose from. Different types of aircrafts are used for these photographs, which may be an airplane, helicopter, or a hot air balloon. To help you get started, below is information about four of these types so you can decide what type of aerial photographer you would like to be. You can then get the training you need to start your new career.


Vertical aerial photography, also known as overhead aerial photography, is taking photographs directly overhead and looking directly down at the object that is being photographed. The resulting photographs produce a flat image that looks much like a road map.

Vertical aerial photographs are often used for mapping land, evaluating farms, assessing flood risks, and for a variety of scientific studies.


When doing oblique aerial photography, the object being photographed is shown at an angle. This type of aerial photography is used for things like archeology, or to show the progress of a construction project. Real estate agents will also hire oblique aerial photographers to take pictures of residential, as well as commercial properties. This is beneficial because these photographs show not only the home or business but the surrounding area also.


Panoramic aerial photography is taking photographs of large areas of land showing detail. The photographer uses a high-resolution setting on the camera to get the details that are needed. The camera scans the land back and forth, depending on the angle of the aircraft.

Panoramic photographs work well for real estate purposes. This is because they can show even small details even while the photographer is at a high altitude. This allows home buyers to see many more details of a home just by looking at a photograph.

Wide Shot

Wide shot aerial photography is used when the subject needs to be shown in context with the surroundings. One example of this is if a company would like to show roads and how they link together on a site. To do this all roads will need to be in the photographs, which is why a wide shot is needed.

A real estate agent may also need to hire a wide shot aerial photographer to show a new subdivision that is being built or show a set of commercial buildings.

If you would like to become an aerial photographer, you should consider learning to do several types of photographs for more job opportunities. For more information, contact companies like Drone Shots.


About Me

Finding the Right Photographer for Your Event

The best way to keep your special memories alive is to hire a professional photographer to capture them as they happen. But after working with hundreds of professionals over the years as a special events planner, I know first hand that not all photographers are created equally. Some can really focus in on their human subjects to capture emotion that comes right out of the photos, while others are more attuned to making the surroundings in a photo stand out like a 3D feature. So I figured that I could help people who are looking to hire a photography find the best possible fit for the occasion that is going to be documented. Learn the right questions to ask, find out what types of skills to look for, and figure out what tools and resources are needed to capture all the details of your special event.